La terza edizione del Festival IZIS, partito come un’iniziativa della generazione di giovani artisti e produttori di eventi culturali residenti nel litorale sloveno, continua sulla sua rotta il 25 e 26 dicembre 2015.
PINA ha organizzato Mercoledì 21 ottobre 2015 presso il Palazzo Pretorio di Capodistria, un seminario informativo, educativo e di networking tra Slovenia e Italia, dal titolo TRANSFRONTALIERO.
Il mercoledì 21ottobre 2015, l’Associazione per la cultura e l’educazione PiNA organizzerà un seminario dal titolo TRANSFRONTALIERO, Progetti soft per una solida collaborazione.
Ob letošnjem Evropskem dnevu jezikov pripravljamo v soboto, 26. septembra 2015, v koprski Taverni in e-Kavarni, mednarodni dogodek, ki bo vključeval Tržnico jezikov, Evropski filmski maraton in Jezikovni prigrizek.
PiNA has developed three short educational videos and brochures for youth centres which operate in the field of web, multimedia and social media communication.
Project activities dates: 5th January 2016 – 31st December 2016 Venue: Koper, Slovenia Age: 18-30 VOLUNTEER PROFILE: Highly motivated young people with interest in graphic design, shooting, editing, post-production, photography, website production and willing to work with youth and on the NGO field. SOME POSSIBLE TASKS: Photographing and video shooting of
PiNA TERMINAL enables international learning mobility to Slovenian citizens and foreign citizens that would like to gain knowledge, skills and experiences in Slovenia. European Voluntary Service (EVS) is one of the programs PiNA TERMINAL supports and has two purposes: providing the volunteer with learning experiences through which develop or build
The training focused on gender equality and multimedia tools, and was attended by young people and youth workers from Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, Italy, the Netherlands and Slovenia. The participants, led by various experts, learned about responsible journalism, photography, graphic and web design, videomaking and project management in the field of