The training focused on gender equality and multimedia tools, and was attended by young people and youth workers from Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, Italy, the Netherlands and Slovenia.
The participants, led by various experts, learned about responsible journalism, photography, graphic and web design, videomaking and project management in the field of youth work. Once back home, their new skills will be put into practice through the organization of various gender-equality-related local activities, such as workshops, events and awareness campaigns.
Among the non-formal methodologies applied during the training, it is worth mentioning that of Theatre of the Oppressed, developed by Brazilian theater writer and politician Augusto Boal. The group also had the chance to meet two film directors, the Italian Marta Zaccaron, who brought her experience with video storytelling and “female-focusing” documentaries, and the Slovenian Miha Čelar, author of the successful “Mama je ena sama”, which opened a wide debate on the psychological profile of the Slovenian husband and the archetype of the martyred-possessive mother in Slovenia.
On Monday 22nd, the participants organized an International Bazaar under the title “Okusi Svet – Taste the World”, during which the public could approach the themes of diversity and sustainability through food, music and a “Živa Knjižnica – Live Library”.
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More about the project Equality for Change: click