The aim of the manual is to benchmark the term and the idea of Greentrepreunership. It is especially for young people who are motivated to be and act green. It aims to present and introduce the concept and the term and especially provide a vocabulary and assessment method to determine what constitutes a green business.
The content:
ABOUT GREENTREPRENEURSHIP: The current situation, demography and resources, profit and environmental costs, GDP and inequality, sustainable development model.
HOW TO BECOME A GREEN ENTREPRENEUR: How to develop a business idea. When is a business idea green? The competence model of a green entrepreneur.
PRACTICAL TOOLS: Business plan development tool, green assessment tool, other useful resources.
MANUAL: click
The goal of the project GREENTREPRENEURSHIP – EASIER DONE THAN SAID is to develop skills, knowledge and competences of youths in order to improve their productivity and employability in the field of green entrepreneurship.