The booklet includes experiences of 6 EVS volunteers from Italy who had the opportunity to work and live in Portugal, Turkey, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany and Slovenia.
With the awareness of young people in particular, the project aims to recall the relationship between war destruction and local identities, exceed national and intercultural conflicts, collective guilt and intolerance.
My name is Nakato Fridah Director of Partnership In Development (PID) and a volunteer with Uganda Pioneers Association (UPA).I graduated from a Uganda’s re-known Makerere University in 2010.
The project WE ARE ALL MIGRANTS is a response to the migration challenges, the multiculturalism of our society and the inappropriate rhetoric in relation to the migrants. Therefore, the project aims at raising the awareness regarding the contribution of migrants to our society.
Il mercoledì 21ottobre 2015, l’Associazione per la cultura e l’educazione PiNA organizzerà un seminario dal titolo TRANSFRONTALIERO, Progetti soft per una solida collaborazione.
Ob letošnjem Evropskem dnevu jezikov pripravljamo v soboto, 26. septembra 2015, v koprski Taverni in e-Kavarni, mednarodni dogodek, ki bo vključeval Tržnico jezikov, Evropski filmski maraton in Jezikovni prigrizek.
Our Vice President Borut Jerman recently took part in the 5th Networking Meeting with Organisations active in the field of Memory and Remembrance, organised by the European Commission together with many other European partners, and held in Tallinn on the 4th, 5th and 6th of May 2015.
On Thursday 14th of May 2015, the e-Kavarna PiNA space has hosted the launching event of the ROUND-TRIP Project, aimed at presenting the project’s activities to the local community and raising awareness about current EU issues and the importance of citizens’ engagement at a local and EU level.