To employ Participatory Urban and Peri-urban agriculture (UPA) as a powerful and emerging method to improve public institutional capacities in order to tackle socio-economic exclusion of vulnerable/marginalized groups.
A new programme for artists and cultural professionals to explore the cultural dimensions of climate change, and take action with impact, creativity and resilience.
Partners of the EQUALITY FOR CHANGE (EFC) – Gender Equality through Global Capacity Building project prepared a manual for improving mobility activities, which can be used in any context and country.
This video is a result of the Peter’s Job Shadowing, hosted by CAPEC in Yaoundé, Cameroon within the project Equality for Change.
Partners of the project Greentrepreneurship – Easier Done Than Said focused on the development of NGO capabilities in the fields of green entrepreneurship and the employability of youths from Argentina, Italy, Nepal, Portugal, Slovenia and Tanzania, and prepared a manual for greentrepreneurship and the employability of youth.
Partners of the project Greentrepreneurship – Easier done than said, focused on the development of NGO capabilities in the field of green entrepreneurship and employability of youths, prepared the second of three newsletters.
YiA4SDGs is designed to focus on practical solutions to real issues in each partner organization country by providing online platform, training course and implementation supports.
V okviru ISKRE – Stičišča NVO Istre in Krasa je izšel javni poziv za nevladne organizacije Obalno-Kraške regije za izbor »NVO s potencialom« in pridobitev statusa »NVO s potencialom«, namen katerega je dvig kakovosti življenja v regiji preko razvoja nevladnih organizacij in nevladnega sektorja.