My name is Nakato Fridah Director of Partnership In Development (PID) and a volunteer with Uganda Pioneers Association (UPA).I graduated from a Uganda’s re-known Makerere University in 2010.
Vi invitiamo venerdi 3 marzo a Udine al convegno internazionale del progetto Donne della resistenza (Women of the Resistance).
On February 29 2016 the project ENA.KOST: Equality of former Yugoslavia’s national communities and their members in Slovenian Istria, was completed.
The project encourages a participatory and active citizenship. Its aim is to establish a Network of participatory democratic schools and a schools’ participatory referential scale.
Il mercoledì 21ottobre 2015, l’Associazione per la cultura e l’educazione PiNA organizzerà un seminario dal titolo TRANSFRONTALIERO, Progetti soft per una solida collaborazione.
Ob letošnjem Evropskem dnevu jezikov pripravljamo v soboto, 26. septembra 2015, v koprski Taverni in e-Kavarni, mednarodni dogodek, ki bo vključeval Tržnico jezikov, Evropski filmski maraton in Jezikovni prigrizek.
E3 wants to contribute to fighting youth unemployment through providing youths with practical tools on Social Youth Entrepreneurship (SYE).
The project targets the educational and employability needs of unemployed youths, especially the so-called NEETs (‘Not in Education, Employment or Training’): its main goal is to provide them with skills and support, bettering their employability and encouraging their involvement in the Social Entrepreneurship field. A second target are the social