Partners of the project Greentrepreneurship – Easier done than said, focused on the development of NGO capabilities in the field of green entrepreneurship and employability of youths, prepared the first of three newsletters.
Il mercoledì 21ottobre 2015, l’Associazione per la cultura e l’educazione PiNA organizzerà un seminario dal titolo TRANSFRONTALIERO, Progetti soft per una solida collaborazione.
Ob letošnjem Evropskem dnevu jezikov pripravljamo v soboto, 26. septembra 2015, v koprski Taverni in e-Kavarni, mednarodni dogodek, ki bo vključeval Tržnico jezikov, Evropski filmski maraton in Jezikovni prigrizek.
PiNA has developed three short educational videos and brochures for youth centres which operate in the field of web, multimedia and social media communication.
Information point Europe Direct is part of the Europe Direct Network, which is composed of informational points which can be found throughout Europe. Its services are free of charge.
The programme Youth in Action offers young people the opportunity to participate in trainings, seminars and other educational activities in other EU countries.
The international training OTOK Daily is about the creative and innovative use of communication tools, with an emphasis on multimedia and the written word.