The second video shows the business path of a young private institute, mOBILNO to go – Institute for developing sustainable technologies, which is developing sustainable technologies in the areas of housing, nutrition, healthy lifestyles and waste. They strive to use local building materials, optimize the use of energy and reduce waste.
Their main mission is to revolutionize years of bad human habits and introduce new sustainable, environmentally friendly construction technologies, housing and nutrition. They are highly motivated toward sustainability and the smallest possible carbon footprint, the consequent inspirations of which gave them ideas for new projects and products.
Production: PiNA
More about mOBILNO to go – Institute for developing sustainable technologies: web page / Facebook
Watch also Video 1: Natural Cosmetics Renčelj
The goal of the project GREENTREPRENEURSHIP – EASIER DONE THAN SAID is to develop skills, knowledge and competences of youths in order to improve their productivity and employability in the field of green entrepreneurship.