Naslov seminarja: Leadership in youth work for inclusion, intercultural dialogue and acceptance
Profil udeležencev: mladinski delavci, projektni vodje, mladinski trenerji
Lokacija: Novi Sad, Srbija
15. – 23. september 2015
Projekt je financiran iz programa Erasmus+. Udeleženec krije le del potnih stroškov in 30 € prijavnine. Namestitev, organizacijo in prehrano krijejo gostitelji.
Opis usposabljanja: tukaj
Program usposabljanja: tukaj
Zainteresirani/e pošljite izpolnjeno PRIJAVNICO (tukaj) do vključno srede, 10. junija 2015, na V zadevo e-sporočila napišite “INCLUSION”.
Kratek opis projekta (v angleščini):
This 8 days long training course “Leadership in youth work for inclusion, intercultural dialogue and acceptance” will be organised in the youth hostel in Novi Sad, from 15th till 23rd September 2015. Project will gather 34 participants, trainers and staff from 19 organisations and 16 countries (Germany, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* UN resolution, Montenegro, Albania, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, France, Italy, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Poland and Slovenia).
During our youth work and cooperation as partners, we have noticed lack of qualified and willing youth leaders for better inclusion and intercultural acceptance in our multiethnic communities.
Project targets youth workers willing to take the lead of promoting and leading quality inclusion and intercultural dialogue in our projects and communities and willing to improve intercultural learning/dialogue in their activities for more inclusive society around us.