Naslov seminarja: A Network Against Youth Unemployment
Profil udeležencev: mladinski delavci, projektni vodje
Lokacija: Palermo, Italija
1. junij – 6. junij 2015
Projekt je financiran iz programa Erasmus+. Udeleženec krije le del potnih stroškov in 30 € prijavnine. Namestitev, organizacijo in prehrano krijejo gostitelji.
Opis srečanja: klik.
Zainteresirani/e pošljite izpolnjeno PRIJAVNICO (klik) do vključno torka, 19. maja 2015, na V zadevo e-maila napišite “NETWORK”.
Kratek opis projekta (v angleščini):
A Network Against Youth Unemployment is a contact making event whose purpose is to try to find a common solution to tackle youth unemployment at least in part . What can 13 European organizations to combat this phenomenon? They can make the most of the opportunities offered by the European Commission to give young people all necessary means to face the world of work in a competitive way!
This event unites 13 organizations and 13 countries, 2 participants per organization, with the idea of creating a network in which each organization provides its expertise to organize projects to offer experiences of various kinds, all expendable by the beneficiaries in the world of work. We will focus more on VET mobility, EVS, training and youth exchanges.
Especially during this project we will talk about all the opportunities that each organization has to offer to young people and what can be done in common to allow young people to take advantage of the opportunities made availabe by the European Commission. We ask to everyone of you to prepare a list of possibly opportunity could create together with the other organizations.