Naslov mladinske izmenjave: BACK TO NATURE
Organizator: LINK
Starost: 18–25 let. En/-a udeleženec/-ka (vodja skupine) je lahko starejši/-a od 25 let.
Lokacija: Haag, Nizozemska
3.- 11. avgust 2015
Vodja skupine potuje 1. avgusta, saj bo tik pred izmenjavo potekal predhodno načrtovani obisk – APV.
Projekt je financiran iz programa Erasmus+. Udeleženec krije del potnih stroškov in 30 € prijavnine. Namestitev, organizacijo in prehrano krijejo gostitelji.
Zainteresirani/-e pošljite izpolnjeno prijavnico do vključno srede, 8. julija 2015, na V zadevo e-sporočila napišite “NATURE”.
Več o izmenjavi: tukaj
Kratek opis:
This project is designed as non-formal intercultural learning experience aimed at young people with or without experience in sustainability, nature and durability. We look and aim to attract young dynamic persons who are interested in nature and the way people live these days. Participants who are idealistic and have the urge to see whether they can relate to our key words like sustainability and durability. Also participants without any knowledge are more than welcome and can maybe even make a bigger change in our community. Participants should be able to speak in English and communicate in groups and individually.
While were shooting the video, editing the video or giving the final presentation; the participants need to have a good communication level and being eager to learn everything that has to do with filming/video. Together with the help of a group leader and workshops, the participants will discover in groups to work with an open vision and communicate well.
A few other activities the participants take part of: how to clean and prepare a fish, how to make fire and how to clean your own water. The youngsters should have a “hands on mentality” and are willing to learn different aspects of nature and sustainability. Our intercultural diner and music night are ways the youngsters can express their thoughts and feelings about their countries and evaluate the different habits of other countries, we expect the participants to be able to talk and communicate about the differences for example: talking about prejudice. Our main goal is to find participants who are open and willing to discover and learn from nature. Willing to be open or learn to be tolerant to other cultures.