Trajanje: 7. november (prihod)-15. november 2015 (odhod)
Naslov usposabljanja: WELFARE – Workability and Flexicurity for Employment
Profil udeležencev: mladinski delavci, projektni vodje, prostovoljci
Starost: polnoletnost
Lokacija: Palermo, Italija
Projekt je financiran iz programa Erasmus+. Udeleženec krije le del potnih stroškov (sredstva, namenjena za pot: tukaj) in 30 € prijavnine. Namestitev, organizacijo in prehrano krijejo gostitelji.
Program usposabljanja: tukaj
Zainteresirani/-e pošljite izpolnjeno prijavnico do vključno srede, 30. septembra 2015, na V zadevo e-sporočila napišite “WELFARE”, datoteko pa poimenujte ime_priimek.doc.
Kratek opis projekta (v angleščini):
Young people’s integration into the labour market is one of the main goals of Europe 2020 strategy that should be supported and facilitated trough education and training to face youth unemployment and inactivity. Many people lose their skills and many young people struggle to enter the labour market. Increase and improve suitable skills for those jobs in demand on the labour market is to be ensured with a better matching of the skills needed, improving the flexicurity and workability of young people.
Flexicurity represent the ability to change, to meet the globalized business needs and new concept of security: that comes not from an ordinary stable work but from the awareness of our own capability and predisposition to change. Workability is a precondition for employability that enable individuals to extend their working lives through a continuous self-investments on new skills.
The project aims to involve youth workers, project leaders, youth advisers and other professionals working with youth in a modular pathway to inspire them, provide them with tools and methodologies in order to help young unemployed people to face current employment challenges through a new and innovative pattern that use music, theatre and art as means of promoting new skills and employment in particular, stimulating creative partnerships between culture on the one hand, and labour market on the other hand.
The main objectives of the project are:
– To provide youth workers with new knowledge on workability and flexicurity that will serve the young people they work with to be more equipped for current labour market needs and challenges;
– To promote and encourage flexibility and workability in their work as a response to youth unemployment and for young people’s empowerment, through creative approach;
– To introduce new creative ways of reaching out to target groups of young unemployed people by familiarizing them with new artistic, musical and theatrical tools and dynamics;
– To increase awareness of the youth workers on the importance of culture, art and music, as non-formal tools for their work with youth and how it can have effects in every day routine, as well as the perspectives in the labour field;
– To facilitate the exchange of experiences, traditions, best practices, habits and promote cooperation in the field of creative work with youth through culture, art and music in the EU countries.
– To establish networks for further joint collaboration of the organizations involved in the project.